Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 in Review

The sun has set on 2012 so in the tradition of every news organization, radio station, periodical and facebooker I will now post my year end list. Here are my top 5 things I am grateful for from 2012.

1. I had my very first (and probably only) art show. It was called 'Evolve: the turning of a chapter.' I don't know how good it was but it for me it was a challenge I thought I’d never rise too.

2. I turned 30! Finally! I've been waiting to be 30 since I was 16, seriously. Maybe I’m a Louie the Late Bloomer or maybe I’m fully bloomed but just don't realize it yet but I’ve always know the 20s wasn't where it's was going to be at for me. I grew up an old soul and lately it's like I get to be a child again, something about the distance I have come and the things I have survived have allowed me to find that childlike wonder from so very long ago.

3. Tejas. I've been teaching yoga for a while but I decided I was ready to go back to school so I re-did my 200 hour certification at Tejas Yoga in the South Loop of Chicago. Trekking down to Chicago almost every weekend of 2012 could get tiresome but I have found 2 amazing teachers and the type of yoga Community I have been searching for as well as trying to create.

4. I found a home! I spent a lot of 2012, and I do mean A LOT, without a home. I wasn't homeless by any means but I surely wasn't in a place of my own nor was there any feeling of being settled in the various places I was living. Yes there were a few different places. So now I have a wonderful little house that I’m happily renting with a big back yard, a white picket fence, a mud room, and an attic bedroom. It suits me and my dog just perfectly.

5. I have hope. See hope and I have a fickle relationship. I've spent the past few years approaching New Year's Eve thinking "Thank God that year is over, next year has got to be better!" But it never worked out and I felt like I was tripping over myself to see how fast I could self sabotage my life. But as the sun is coming up on the first day of 2013 I can look back and say "yes, I make some mistakes, but I have learned from them and I now have both of my feet on the ground, I am living with good intention and being true to myself not the image of me I was so busy creating, and I am ready to entertain the potential of good things happening in my life." So see here 2013 I’m not allowing hope that you will be a better year but the hope that I will be a better person.

Best wishes to you all. Stay well, stay warm and go hug someone.

Peace Y'all!

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