Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quicky Blog

I do yoga, I just do it, sort of like Nike. Even when my home practice is waning and I’m beating myself up for that, I go to mow my yard and I am doing yoga. Fighting with the ancient mower up slight inclines and bumpy terrain I consciously engage my bhandas. I rotate my arms in like I was doing charuranga and I practice…my yoga.

Anyone who wants to be dedicated to yoga struggles. Anyone who’s life gets overrun and it seems like there is never 5 minutes for consciousness, if you practice yoga, than you find your yoga. Today mine was the yoga of mowing grass, the other day it was the yoga of designing sacred figures into adobe illustrator and some days it is simply the yoga of getting through the day. But there is not a decision I make good or bad that I don’t think about yoga. Sometimes I cower away from my yoga and say "I can’t I’m just not string enough today,” so what I do? I practice compassion. I give myself the day or the hour it takes to explore the self pity or the lethargy and then I move one. 

Yoga isn’t about always being ‘good’ or being ‘right’ it is about every decision you make. You fight when you can, you surrender when you need to and you accept without submitting. Yoga is a hard thing to do, it is not just getting on a mat and moving or stretching. It is every moment and we cannot hold ourselves up to being perfect every moment of every. We can only hold our selves up to the moment we are in and make the best choice for that moment and prepare for what ever that moment brings to the next moment in our lives.

Know this yogi friends, there is no end to your yoga because when you are a yogi, when you are practicing, yoga is every decision you will ever make. Good or bad, we are our yoga, yoga is not where we end up.

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