Wednesday, August 25, 2010

change on the wind

There is something so invigorating about the first promises of fall; the chill in the nigh air, the crisp smell of morning and the blessed coolness on the back of the breeze. After being mired down by the often heavy and grueling air of late summer, autumn seems to offer us lightness, in my life fall does mark the winding down of a crazy work season so there I do in fact feel lighter. My schedule opens up and is immediately filled with potential and it’s that freeing up and hope for change that I’m trying to bring into my yoga practice. In the Ayuvedic tradition there are three Doshas (constitutions) that a person can be classified as and in addition to having our main dosha we also have periods when the other doshas play a leading role. The doshas are: Vata (air), Pita (fire) and Kapha (earth), so one may be a Kapha but being going through a Pita phase. This summer for me has been a very Pita phase. My tenacity for learning and experimenting has had my fire dosha running so high I’m a little amazed I didn’t spontaneously combusted! I was drawn to Ashtanga type practices and devoured books about anything having to do with yoga or meditation or conscious living. All of which had my brain clicking so fast that not I laugh at how I thought I would actually begin a solid meditation practice amidst all that revelry. So now, as autumn whispers her pending arrival I can feel my internal fire smoldering into embers, a low steady heat to keep me warm through the coming chill but not so blazing that I refuse to slip into a Kapha (earth) phase of quiet contemplation and ease into a gentler more Anusara like yoga practice. What will this season of change bring to you?

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