Thursday, June 6, 2013

Slow Spring

Last February, the longest short month of them all, I made a playlist jokingly called "there will be sun." Happy tunes to grove along with in the hopes that we could encourage spring to arrive a little faster. I like that mix so I was inspired about a month ago to make a new spring mix, I'd go into more detail about making the right yoga mix but really you can just rent "High Fidelity" and let John Cusack do that. Music in a yoga class can often be a touchy subject; some teachers swear by it, other admonish it, and normally I'm annoyed by it but that's because I have a small scope of music I enjoy which incorporates a wide swath of styles and genres and to be honest I'm moody. Not in the sense that my mood changes from moment to moment or I'm grumpy I mean more that I want my music to blend with my mood, or to set and enhance a mood. So when I begin making playlist for yoga it's serious business, I build a theme, I think about what asanas resonate with the essence of the music but like I said I won't go into my own process here, what I wanted to tell you about was this great mix I made almost by accident.

I sat down to shake up my dedicate yoga MP3 player with some new tunes. Here in Wisconsin we are having a very slow spring, it just won't get here! Seriously I had to turn the heat on last night and today I'm in full length tights and long sleeves...IT'S JUNE 6th! And I'm from Alabama y'all. So of course I thought about making a new snappy spring flow mix and I began the search through my music library and came up with a mix I was happy with. And then I forgot to upload it onto my MP3 player. So there my happy spring flow sat for a month while I kept forgetting to bring my MP3 player home and shake it up. Then last week I remembered, "I have one of the fancy pants smart phones!" my phone can play music, so on went the 3 new playlists I made. I was very excited to break out my new "happy spring" mix to liven up the rainy and cold evening class, but there wasn't a great turn out for that class and the mood was a little subdued and you know what? My mix was perfect! I had forgotten how chill it was, less of a bouncy blooming spring and more like the actual season we are having; a little slow almost sauntering, mellow and thick. So without further ado I present 'Amy's Slow Spring Flow'

Seoul- amiina
Dirt Gardener- Erin McKeown
Here Comes The Sun- Richie Havens
Janmani Janmani- Mohen Mistry
Life Is Water- Sim Redman Band
Sun Dance- John De Kadt
Sun Is Shining (Yes Kink Remix)- Bob Marley and the Wailers
La Illaha (feat Sudha)- Bahramji & Maneesh de Moor
Stay In The Shade- Jose Gonzalez
Gentle Moon- Sun Kil Moon
2nd Charkra: Orange Cresent Moon Over Water: Baird Hersey

*I do not post actual music because 1: I don't know how and 2: I encourage you to listen and purchase the music you enjoy!

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