Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What A Yogi Eats...

...On Market Day!

I am fortunate enough that my tiny town is surrounded by beautiful organic arms. So here is a quick breakfast I whipped up from things I bought at the Farmers Market this Saturday.

Farm Market Veggie Scramble

Free range eggs

How I cook them:
1. heat some in a large skillet
2. toss in Carrots and Scallions
3. while those are cooking break 6 eggs into a bowl and scramble with a fork
4. add Zuccini and any seasoning you like to the veggies and cook for a few minutes
5. add tomatoes, let a little of the water in the tomatoes cook off then,
6. add the egg mixture and scramble all ingredients together.

optional: because it's still pretty hot out and tomatoes can aggravate Pitta Dosha I added a hearty sprinkle of fresh dill to the eggs as they were cooking, to help balance the acidic qualities of the tomatoes.

Final product...
Farm Fresh Yogi Breakfast

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