Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top 5 (not so) Yoga Books

The Prophet: Kahlil Gibran

I first discovered this book when I was 15 or 16 years old. I picked it off the bookshelf in my mom's sewing room and thought, "oh this is broken down into short little chapters, I can carry it around and flip through it." I did not do that, I read it almost in one sitting and it was the only time in my life I remember feeling like my entire life afterwards would be different, and it has. The Prophet is the closet thing I have to a Bible, it rings true for me on every level and I always go back to it for advice and perspective. In fact when I turned 18 I made that emblem on the cover my very first tattoo (I have 6 as of now, if you are curious).

The Alchemist: Paulo Coelho

Ever pick up a book, read it, love it, and feel certain you are the only person in the world that knows about it, that was The Alchemist for me. I don't even remember how it came into my life I just remember thinking that everyone should read this book. I keep a copy at all times just to give to people when they are going through rough times or at a moment of profound change, I give it to them and make them promise me to pass it one when they run across someone who needs it. If you are in a slump, feeling challenged beyond your means, or at a dead end on the way to your dream READ THIS BOOK!

Johnathan Livingston Seagull

Ok first The Prophet now Johnathan Livingston Seagull! What was this chick raised by a bunch of hippies? Yes, yes I was. And thank goodness for that. Not only did I grow up listening to the best music of all times but I also grew up among the "it takes a village..." mantality which had lead directly to where I am today and my family of friends and strong sense of Community. SO, when I was 19 years old and I knew that I was going to open a business one day called Second Star Studio not a single person in my family doubted it! So if you were born into the body of a Gull but you dream of flying like a falcon OR you just want a clever metaphor about finding enlightenment that you can also read to your children then go get Johnathan Livingston Seagull. And by the way My dad also owned the movie, which I too loved.

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Perhaps and author you recognize as a fiction writer? But she is so much more than that. I originally read this book because some crazy (and use that term lovingly) vegan friends of mine read it and didn't like it because she ordered turkey's online. If it bugs a vegan, I am all for it! Just kidding...sort of... ok maybe that's another blog all together. But Back to Animal Vegetable Miracle, I loved it! I finally became a vegetarian before  the term Localvore had made it off the west coast. I gave up meet not because of my emerging inner yogi, or my fascination with Buddhism, no, it was the environment. Growing with aforementioned hippies I grew up really loving the earth. Seriously I dreamed about growing up and moving out not because I wanted to leave home but because I wanted to live somewhere that I could recycle! So I gave up meat because the meat industry's impact on the environment. I was living in New York City at the time so the idea of actual farms seemed quite literally miles away. Then I read this book and it was like Barbara Kingsolver had read exactly how I felt about food and the earth and even being able to bend the rules! So if you aren't already in the Green movement or don't have your own kitchen garden yet (even for you apartment dwellers) check it out.

Alcoholics Anonymous

There's a lot to be said for the similarities between AA's 12 steps and Yoga's 8! If you are not an alcoholic then chances are you know one, either in recovery or not. The disease of alcoholism is epidemic and as a firm believer that all disease, especially mental disease should be openly discussed in order to fight the negative connotations people who suffer with these diseases go through than I think we should ALL READ THIS BOOK! And as I sit here sipping my Chardonnay... just kidding, but no I am not an alcoholic (but I do suffer from depression and am openly taking medication for it) but I've been close to many, my Grandfather, my Father, Uncles, a Partner and I didn't realize the effect that kind of disease had on those close to the alcoholic themselves. It just like the way Alzheimer effects those closest to the ill, so I'm reading the Big Blue Book now and find it an amazing complement to my yoga studies. You should too!

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