Friday, February 25, 2011

We All Deserve Teachers

I’ve been thinking about the protest happening in Madison over Unions and teachers and how amazing it is and how it’s the perfect demonstration of Community. Community is very important to me, I grew up with the “it takes a village…” mindset. Teachers are such an important part of any village, teachers of any kind; school teachers, the elders, those who lead by example. It’s this idea that got me to thinking about yoga.

There are great spiritual leaders off in the mountains living in solitude, meditating for 20 hours a day, living on the scarce resources the Himalayas have to offer. And right now all I can think is, why? I say this knowing that there are people who will be enraged and offended by this so let me just say I appreciate the integrity of these masters, I just don’t understand. When there is so much turmoil in the world I wish some of the great yogis would come down from the mountain and go meditate in the street. How amazing would it be if a mob of yogis took to the streets and meditated for peace and understanding. Live by example but live in the Community where your actions can be seen and make an impression on those who may need it.

I teach yoga, and at times I feel utterly unworthy of doing this. There are times when I feel like a total sham, standing in front of my students and asking them to have compassion and to take care of themselves, when sometimes I can’t even muster the motivation to take my vitamins. Times like this I want to run to the hills and cast off all “worldly” things. But who would be left to unlock the studio when someone wants to practice yoga? So I stay and not because I think I’m the only person who can teach yoga in town or because I have enlightenment to share but because I love my Community and I think showing up is important. And as long as there are people who want a yoga teacher and are comfortable practicing with a teacher who’s still on her own journey, who could use a teacher herself, who falters more often than she likes and has just a dash of a southern accent than I’ll show up.

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