In addition to the Sutras I’ll be diving into The Bagavad Gita, yet again. I’ve tried to read this book before (see, Reading the Gita), I even traveled to Brussels last year to study it. However, this is no easy book, the language is dense and the story is epic (and I mean epic in the tradition sense of the word not the trendy bastardization to mean basically, cool) and the concepts are big. So this time I am employing one of the oldest tools of book learning, the book club. The Sacred Text Reading Group in fact, an idea I wish I would have come up with but am so happy to be involved with. As a group we are diving into the Gita with the objective to relate the experiences of Arjuna to surviving the Holidays? Hmmmm, a little dramatic? A warrior melts down in fear as he stares out upon his enemy as compared to the gathering of family and the pressures of gift giving? Actually not so much, because the opposing army that our hero stares out at is his family, he cousins, uncles, teachers and fellow Community members and he must discover what he’s duty is to himself and his family and the best action to take and at what cost? Sound familiar or maybe familial? We meet again in January to discuss our experiences with the Gita and the Holidays and hopefully there will be mini-meetings along the way to help the process along. You shall be kept posted (blog posted that is) to all progress made.
The Gita re-visited, the Sutras Rescheduled, could be fun.
Ooo, I look forward to your (and others) discoveries this time around.